24 July 2024

Nobody beyond the person doing the actual graffiti thinks it is anything more than an ugly form of vandalism.
And contrary to what they might think, it is not a victimless crime.
Cleaning it up wastes time and resources and degrades the charm and character of our area.
There is support available to help you deal with graffiti.
➡️ For Graffiti on private property:
Owners of private property are responsible for removing graffiti.
Council can provide a ✅ FREE GRAFFITI REMOVAL KIT or ✅ paint voucher for standard acrylic paint to assist you to remove graffiti if you reside in Whitehorse.
Upon request, Council may remove graffiti from private properties if the graffiti is visible from a public space and consent is granted by the property owner.
To make further inquiries, contact Whitehorse on via their online form here:
Reporting Graffiti on Council property includes:
➡️ Council buildings and signs
➡️ Street furnishings such as benches and bins
➡️ Public toilets, parks and reserves
➡️ Playgrounds and equipment
➡️ Fire hydrants
Report graffiti to Whitehorse City Council any of the following ways:
✅ Whitehorse City Council - online form:
Council removes graffiti from Council property within 24 to 48 hours of it being reported.
If you are unsure who owns the vandalised property, contact Whitehorse City Council.
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Nobody beyond the person doing the actual graffiti thinks it is anything more than an ugly form of vandalism.
And contrary to what they might think, it is not a victimless crime.
Cleaning it up wastes time and resources and degrades the charm and character of our area.
There is support available to help you deal with graffiti.
➡️ For Graffiti on private property:
Owners of private property are responsible for removing graffiti.
Council can provide a ✅ FREE GRAFFITI REMOVAL KIT or ✅ paint voucher for standard acrylic paint to assist you to remove graffiti if you reside in Whitehorse.
Upon request, Council may remove graffiti from private properties if the graffiti is visible from a public space and consent is granted by the property owner.
To make further inquiries, contact Whitehorse on via their online form here:
Reporting Graffiti on Council property includes:
➡️ Council buildings and signs
➡️ Street furnishings such as benches and bins
➡️ Public toilets, parks and reserves
➡️ Playgrounds and equipment
➡️ Fire hydrants
Report graffiti to Whitehorse City Council any of the following ways:
✅ Whitehorse City Council - online form:
Council removes graffiti from Council property within 24 to 48 hours of it being reported.
If you are unsure who owns the vandalised property, contact Whitehorse City Council.